Personal Injury Attorney Jacksonville Florida – Commercial Truck Accidents and Injury

Personal injury attorney Jacksonville Florida understands commercial truck accidents and injury can create long-term, significant loss. Accidents involving commercial trucks are not uncommon. Because these trucks are larger, heavier, and on the road for long periods of time, there is a higher likelihood they will be involved in and cause accidents. When these larger trucks collide with a smaller vehicle, the damage can be significant, often creating a high risk of injury or death. Individuals involved in such accidents may face numerous medical bills, pain, and long-term rehabilitation needs.

How Often Do Commercial Truck Accidents and Injuries Occur?

The number of accidents occurring across the United States related to commercial trucks can be overwhelming. In 2009, for example, the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says 286,000 incidents occurred involving large trucks on the country’s highways.

In 2016, there were 4,440 incidents in which large trucks were involved in a fatal crash on U.S. roads. This is an increase of two percent from the previous year. Since 2009, there has been a 29 percent increase in fatal crashes involving commercial trucks, according to FMCSA reports. In 2015, there were 97,000 people injured in accidents involving large trucks or buses in the U.S. This is a stunning 62 percent increase from since 2009.

Why Do Trucking Accidents Occur So Often?

In many cases, there are risks associated to simply being on the highway with a commercial truck. However, some of the most common reasons for commercial truck accidents and injury occur include the following:

  • Vehicles speeding; this includes commercial trucks speeding beyond posted limits
  • Driver fatigue, a concern in which truck drivers are on the road too long, leading to a higher risk of accidents (however, passenger vehicle fatigue can also play a role in this)
  • Blind spots, where truck drivers cannot see the smaller passenger car located behind it when switching lanes
  • Improperly stored cargo; when it shifts, the truck’s weight is no longer equally distributed, creating a higher risk of rollovers
  • Mechanical problems, including brake and tire problems, sometimes due to poor maintenance and upkeep
  • Mental distraction; which can lead to lane violations and even rollovers
  • Poor road conditions including wet and slippery roads
  • Poor truck driver training, especially problematic as companies struggle to maintain qualified and experienced drivers today
  • Unexpected objects in the roadway

These are just some examples of common causes for commercial truck accidents and injury in which a personal injury attorney Jacksonville Florida will be able to handle, but many others play a role in it as well. The U.S. now has a requirement for drivers to electronically log their positions and drive times (as well as when they stop) to ensure driver fatigue is kept to a minimum. However, these risks are still present.

It is important to know that commercial truck accidents and injury can occur for both negligent and non-negligent reasons. However, as commercial truck accident and injury statistics indicate, this is a very high-risk situation. For those who do suffer injury, it is possible to obtain financial compensation from your losses. To do so, individuals should never outright settle with the trucking company’s attorneys or insurance company. Instead, hire a team to represent you specifically. This can help ensure you get financial compensation for all the losses you experience as a result of these devastating accidents.

If you or a loved one suffered from any form of a commercial truck accident or injury, allow a personal injury attorney Jacksonville Florida to provide a free consultation. An attorney can provide you with legal assistance to determine if you have a case and help you receive compensation for your injuries. Contact an esteemed personal Jacksonville medical malpractice attorney at Edwards & Ragatz for a free consultation: (800) 366-1609; locally – (904) 399-1609; or through our website