Common Commercial Truck Accident Causes and Injuries

Law Firms in Jacksonville FL: Common Commercial Truck Accident Causes and Injuries

Law firms in Jacksonville FL like Edwards & Ragatz fight for your rights. Being in a collision with a commercial truck is a common cause of serious or life-threatening injuries. Due to their size, tractor-trailers and semi trucks are more likely to cause severe injuries or fatalities for other drivers and passengers on the road. Commercial truck accidents and injury cases that end up in court typically involve those who have been hurt or family members of those who have suffered fatal injuries caused by a truck driver’s negligence or carelessness.

Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

Law firms in Jacksonville FL know in the past, commercial truck drivers were a danger on the road due to inadequate sleep and long driving hours. In recent years, regulations have been put in place to address this issue by limiting the number of hours that truck drivers are allowed to spend driving within a certain time period. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), speed has become the most common factor in commercial truck accidents that result in fatalities. Being distracted while behind the wheel is the second most common factor.

Statistics on Commercial Truck Accidents

Law firms in Jacksonville FL are commonly asked, when and where are commercial truck accidents most likely to occur? According to the FMCSA, roughly 60 percent of commercial truck accidents involving fatalities happen on rural roads, and 83 percent of fatal accidents occur on weekdays. It’s also important to note that the number of fatal accidents that involve commercial trucks has increased. The FMCSA reports that there was a 62 percent increase in these accidents between 2009 and 2015.

Common Injuries from Commercial Truck Accidents

Law firms in Jacksonville FL Drivers and passengers of other vehicles involved in a commercial truck accident can sustain a wide range of injuries. However, some injuries occur more often than others. Some of the more common injuries that happen in these accidents include:

  • Head and brain injuries, such as concussions or severe traumatic brain injuries. These injuries can prevent the injured person from being able to do their job or even perform simple everyday tasks on their own if damage is severe enough.
  • Spinal cord injuries, which can cause partial or full paralysis in serious cases. These injuries can also result in chronic pain that interferes with work and other activities, affecting the injured person’s livelihood and quality of life.
  • Internal bleeding or organ damage, which can be hard to detect at first and difficult to properly treat.
  • Rib injuries, which can puncture the lungs in some cases.
  • Lacerations that can lead to excessive bleeding, cause disfigurement or result in life-threatening infections.
  • Fractures that can take several months or even longer to fully heal. Those who suffer from serious fractures might be unable to work during that time, depending on the kind of job duties they have.

If you or a loved one suffered from any form of medical malpractice, allow law firms in Jacksonville FL Edwards & Ragatz provide a free consultation. An attorney can provide you with legal assistance to determine if you have a case and help you receive compensation for your injuries. Contact an esteemed personal Jacksonville medical malpractice attorney at Edwards & Ragatz for a free consultation: (800) 366-1609; locally – (904) 399-1609; or through our website