Why You Should Never Accept the First Settlement Offer?

When you file a personal injury claim after being involved in an accident, you will most likely receive a call from the negligent party’s insurance company. You may be wondering to yourself, “Should I accept the first settlement offer?”

Even though the settlement offer may seem enticing, it is always far less than what your case is worth. Our Jacksonville personal injury attorneys can make sure you recover the full compensation you deserve. Contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Should I Accept the First Settlement Offer?

We’re often asked if you should take the insurance company’s initial offer once you’ve been injured in an accident. My recommendation is always a hard no to that question. There are many things that come into play in personal injury accidents. Most importantly, you may not know the extent of your injuries for quite some time until after the accident has occurred. I tell everyone to go see your doctor immediately and contact a lawyer as soon as you’re injured to let them guide you through the case.

Oftentimes, your damages are more severe than you initially know. If you’ve settled for that lowball first offer, you’re not going to be able to go back against the at-fault party again for further damages.

Contact Our Office Today

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in an accident in Florida and have questions about taking the first settlement offer?

Contact our experienced Jacksonville personal injury attorneys at Edwards & Ragatz, P.A. today for a free no obligation consultation and case evaluation. Let our years of experience work for you.