What Are The Different Types of Bus Accident Injuries?

In large cities like Jacksonville, public transportation is often the cheapest and most efficient way to get around. With so many large buses on the road, it’s no wonder that they are involved in thousands of accidents each year. There are many different types of bus accident injuries, ranging from catastrophic injuries to soft-tissue injuries. No matter how serious your injury is, you deserve to be compensated by the at-fault bus company. The Jacksonville bus accident attorneys at Edwards & Ragatz can help you accomplish that. Read about your potential injuries and call our office to schedule a free consultation.

Types of Bus Accident Injuries | Catastrophic Injuries

Most bus crashes involve relatively minor injuries, yet — like all motor vehicle accidents — they have the potential to cause catastrophic injury. Buses are at higher risk of rolling over during an accident than other vehicles due to their size. Because passengers are not required to wear seatbelts (and, in many instances, are forced to stand), a rollover accident has the potential to cause serious head trauma and broken bones.

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Types of Bus Accident Injuries | Soft Tissue Injuries

The majority of bus accidents involve soft-tissue injuries, such as bruises and sprains. The potential for whiplash-related injuries is also high due to the way most buses are designed. Even though these injuries seem relatively minor, you still deserve to be compensated.

Contact Our Office for a Free Consultation with an Experienced Bus Accident Attorney

Long story short, if you have been injured on a bus, you can file a bus accident injury claim. Determining who to file that claim against is the tricky part. That’s where we come in. Contact Edwards & Ragatz today to schedule a free consultation and get started on your road to recovery. Our experienced Jacksonville bus accident attorneys are ready to help you recover the compensation you deserve.